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Font Pairing Project

Font Pairing Project:

Date: 11/6/17

Creating a font pairing means that you are taking two fonts that go well with each other, and enhancing both of them by adding color, graphics, or just arranging them in a way that makes the message pop to the audience.

The four assignments I did was a city and a state, "Creators gonna Create", "Kindness is Magic", and the Starry Skies background. For the city, I chose Brooklyn, New York, and had a picture in the background. For "Creators gonna Create", I did "Create" in color to emphasize it. "For "Kindness is Magic", I made Kindness and Magic both larger to emphasize them. Lastly, for the starry skies background, the quote I chose was "You can be the moon, and still be jealous of the stars".

My best font pairing would be Brooklyn, New York. Keeping it simple made it really pop, and everything went well together. the picture, the fonts, and the color scheme.

My least successful assignment would be the "Creators gonna Create", because it just seems generic and nothing really makes it stand out.

The font pairing process was really just trial and error, testing what fonts look good together and trying it over and over again. The part that made it really difficult was trying to determine what type of arrangement, color, and graphic would go best with the fonts and really push the message out to the audience.

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