Magazine Design Project
Magazine Design Project:
Date: 3/1/18
My design demonstrates my knowledge of magazine design and the parts of the magazine interior because I had to utilize many pieces of a magazine interior. For example, I use headlines, pull quotes, bylines, and subheads.
My magazine design connects to the corporate identity of Bon Appetit because we use fonts similar to what they would use and we use recipes in our interior like what they do.
I felt like working with a partner made the process quicker, but at the same time, it was really challenging to make them look like they were made from the same person, since we had to both like the font and color scheme.
If I had to change something in my partner's design, I would change the way he designed the cover lines. I would have put more emphasis on some of the words, like changing their sizes, while making others smaller, creating more of a contrast. I would also make the main cover line pop out more, since I feel like it's not bold enough.
I feel like the ideal partner would be myself. That way I know how to make the designs unify and could see both designs as I'm working on them. Plus there wouldn't be any disagreements on color scheme or font choice.